
September 2015

I decided to leave the existing updates in place and just date new stuff as a reminder of how I need to get on my website updating machine a little more often.

The studio here in France has been finished (although there's always something that needs fixing, improving, or cleaning, so studios are never really finished) for a couple of years now, and I've built a tiny place to work in the garage of our house in Devon. We moved back to the UK as our permanent home in 2012. Lots of reasons, most of them to do with family, but one word of advice - never, ever start a business in France. Seriously. Ever.

There's a ton of new music coming, I'm doing battle with perfectionism and an embarrassment of riches in terms of new ideas. Plus I'm playing all my own drums now, so there's another thing to get right. I've had the priviledge of working with some great drummers through the years, but it's really interesting to see what it was I actually wanted but never could quite get across. And it eliminates drum machines.

But new stuff, coming soon. I promise (to the three or four people who care...)

April 2009

The updates have been few and far between, sorry about that. There's been so much going on, it's been hard to keep up.

The studio in the barn in France is now pretty much finished, as far as building work goes. There are a few more acoustic panels to build, but the main work now is to take all the boxes and cases that have been in storage for the past three years and make it into a place that can record music! Check out some photos here...

Check out some photos of the long-gone but fondly remembered John Street studio here.

I spent an interesting hour a year or so go with Eddie Dickey - we did an interview for his podcast. The interview is up now, and can be accessed here. Eddie found the music from Marginal Street on Magnatune and was kind enough to listen to me wax philosphic without too much laughter.

I was interviewed for an article about Magnatune (see below) that appeared on a website about life in Louisville, Kentucky, just down the road from where I grew up.  You can read it here.

I've discovered an Internet record label called Magnatune ( that is doing some really cool stuff.  They've kindly taken Marginal Street onto their site, and we've had a very good response.  Magnatune is in many ways what everyone imagined when online music first began - you can buy a whole CD, or one or two songs, and then download the music then and there.  And, you pay what you think the music is worth.  Their slogan is "We Are Not Evil!", and I have to agree - they're great people.  Stop by and check out the site.


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